
Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Our Heroes Tree @ the Library

Check out Our Heroes Tree here at the library. It's up, lighted, and decorated by grateful teens & adults. Many ornaments have been made for a specific sevice person, serving in the military now or in the past. Others of the ornaments were made by grateful patrons for all servicemen and women.

Our Heroes Tree is a national program that recognizes the sacrifices of current & past military service members. Check out Cedar Lake Library's Virtual Heroes Tree, also. The virtual tree features ornaments that were made for specific military personel. The tree will be up through Veteran's Day, so you still have time to make an ornament to say thanks to a servicman or woman that you know.

Want to write a review?

Just see Linda at the Cedar Lake Library. Then start reading and writing! You can earn volunteer time for helping!

Volunteering @ the Library

Volunteering @ the Library
Putting on puppet shows!

Making spiders for storytime fun.

Painting for program games

Making worms for storytimes

Celebrating National Poetry Month

Celebrating National Poetry Month
Teens composed over 50 poems & displayed them using words cut from magazines.