
Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Blogging & Book Trailers @ the Library

The summer fun continues. Check out some great trailers made by teens:
 Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins:  

Love Your Life:

 Every Day by David Levithan:

 Big Cats:

Grafitti @ the Library?: The Summer Fun Begins!

We have events for teens every week this summer! great prizes for reading! Drawings every week. Put in an entry for every 100 pages, magazine or book you read or listen to!

This week teens were artistic & creative with chalk paint, CD scratch art, cross-out art, & more.
Check it all out:
lbjohnsen's Subway Grafitti Art at the Library album on Photobucket
They made their own chalk paint by mixing a little washable paint, 1/2 cup corn starch, 1 cup hot water, and a little dish soap. They used spray and squirt bottles, brushes, stamps--and their hands on sidewalks, paper, & poster board--all with amazing results. Visit the library to see the fantastic Beneath the Watery Surface mural in front.
The CD scratch art was very popular. Just paint the shiny side with a dark acrylic paint & let it dry. Then use a sharp instrument--they used a nail or letter opener--and scratch a design. It's reflective and colorful--and surprising!
They made some meaningful--and silly--cross-out art with a page from an old paperback. Pick a sentence you want to display & cross out everything else. Then make a frame--they used puzzle pieces.
Another interesting artwork was to take an old painting (we had colorful paper placemats & file folders), stick on vinyl letters and other stickers and then paint over it all with white paint. When it's dry, remove the stickers and the painting shows through. Interesting...
They made word art too--with Easy to make, harder to copy & print, but fun!

Want to write a review?

Just see Linda at the Cedar Lake Library. Then start reading and writing! You can earn volunteer time for helping!

Volunteering @ the Library

Volunteering @ the Library
Putting on puppet shows!

Making spiders for storytime fun.

Painting for program games

Making worms for storytimes

Celebrating National Poetry Month

Celebrating National Poetry Month
Teens composed over 50 poems & displayed them using words cut from magazines.