Battle of the Sexes--gross food competition (the girls made the best corpse fingers, dirty Q-tips, boogers on a stick & amazonian spiders, but the boys ate more of the gross food); Minute-To-Win-It games (boys won one, girls won one); Bubblegum sculptures (girls won); Library Scavenger Hunt (boys won); Garbage Can Scavenger Hunt (boys won); marble search in buckets of ice (boys won) & more. It was close. Boys won 64,000 points to the girl's 62,000. Congrats to all the brave and talented players.
And more to come in July...
*Just Eat It! Tuesday July 12 @ 4 Make godd from around the world. Eat some, take some home. Yum! Play Geography Twister & other games for fun & prizes, too!
*Mystery Dinner Theater Thursday July 21 @ 4 Play the parts as you work to solve the mystery. Eat a mysterious meal of food from around the world. Successful detectives will win prizes. Play games that involve drama, improv, & lots of laughs.
*Gamefest Wed. July 27 @ 4 Play a variety of PlayStation, Wii, & other games. Thoise who wish may compete in tournaments for prizes. Food & pop will be provided.
*Keep reading for prizes! Enter for every book, magazine, audio book or 100 pages you read. Weekly drawings & a grand prize drawing! Enter @ the library or online.