
Saturday, July 6, 2013

June @ the Library

Gaming, Film Fest, T-shirts, Tie Dying, Mystery Dinner Theater--check it all out:

lbjohnsen's Summer at the Library album on Photobucket
And more to come in July:  
Mon. & Tues. July 8 & 9 @ 4: Rock On--craft with rocks to make worry stones, pet rocks, rock gardens, garden stones, & more!Edible dirt, too!
Fri. July 12 & Thurs. July 25 @ 3: Gamefest--Play Station, Wii, Twister, Clue, Uno, Chess, Checkers...  
Thurs. July 18 @ 4: Hobbit Party--games, music, crafts, &, of course, lots of food!
Mon. & Tues. July 22 & 23 @ 4: We Were Here: Time Capsules, cartouche pendants (& shrinky dinks!)& more!
Win prizes for reading, too--1 entry for every 100 pages, book or magazine you read. Great weekly prizes and a grand prize of a back back full of prizes and a $20 gift card!

Want to write a review?

Just see Linda at the Cedar Lake Library. Then start reading and writing! You can earn volunteer time for helping!

Volunteering @ the Library

Volunteering @ the Library
Putting on puppet shows!

Making spiders for storytime fun.

Painting for program games

Making worms for storytimes

Celebrating National Poetry Month

Celebrating National Poetry Month
Teens composed over 50 poems & displayed them using words cut from magazines.