Play a variety of PlayStation & Wii games. Those who wish may compete in tournaments for prizes. Food and pop will be provided. Join the fun!

Make your own famous Greek drama mask from a variety of materials. Help make a puzzle masterpiece, too! Recreate famous paintings one square at a time. All supplies (and snacks) will be provided.
· Red Cross Babysitter Training --Wednesday, June 17 @9am – 4:30pm
Teens, ages 11 to 15, will learn to care for infants and young children, to make decisions in emergencies, and keep themselves and children safe. Bring a sack lunch. Fee of $25 must be paid at the time of registration. This class is limited to 10 students.

Participants will play the parts as they work to solve the mystery of the sudden demise of actress Lola LaPoufe. The one who solves the prize will win a prize. Then play games that include drama, improv and lots of laughs while you eat a dinner of pizza and pop.

The hilariously funny comedy troupe Tom Foolery will perform improvisational humor. They will teach members of the audience some games, too, so everyone can contribute to the hilarity. LOL!!!

Enjoy espresso and other snacks while you create amazing paintings with brewed espresso and coffee grindings. Create open-ended art with a variety of recycled materials, too.

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